For parents seeking a Christian and Bible centered education for their children 

Mountain View Christian Academy is dedicated to high quality academics from a Christian perspective and welcomes students and families of all faiths to join our community.

Our Bible textbook is — the Bible.

Parents at Mountain View Christian Academy can be assured that our credentialed teachers are dedicated to providing your student with the best education and spiritual growth experience possible in a small, personalized multi-grade environment.  

The curriculum is standards-based.  We use MAP testing (Measures of Academic Progress) which is administered in the fall, winter and spring so children begin with a base-line assessment and progress is assessed over time.  This helps the teacher to understand and address students' individual learning needs. 

Mountain View Christian Academy is an affordable, licensed alternative for your students and we don't let our students fall through the cracks while we work to unlock their potential.


Students in Adventist schools outperform. In a three-year study of 51,000+ students in Adventist schools (kindergarten through high school), researchers documented that they outperformed the national average.  At all grade levels. In schools of all sizes. And in all subjects.

Students in Adventist schools overachieve. Additionally, researchers compared student performance on standardized tests with what would be predicted based on their Cognitive Abilities Test scores, and found they performed above what would be predicted.

Students in Adventist schools gain even more with time. One of the most dramatic findings is that students who transferred to Adventist schools saw a marked improvement in test scores. Furthermore, the longer students are in Adventist schools, the better their achievements and abilities.


Schedule an Education Conversation today to learn about affordable tuition, financial aid & scholarship opportunities.